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we are looking for car alarm dispensers

Profile: Manufacturer - Producer|Ref:PSL 426351YH | Country: Russie | Export: Yes

Looking Profile :

Dear sirs, We are manufacturer of unique and innovative anti-theft systems called "IGLA". IGLA is a unique device designed to protect your car from hijacking and theft. Its innovation lies in the technology...


Dear sirs,
We are manufacturer of unique and innovative anti-theft systems called "IGLA".
IGLA is a unique device designed to protect your car from hijacking and theft. Its innovation lies in the technology of blocking the engine on the regular electrical circuits of the vehicle, which does not require the installation of additional wiring, easy to detect.
Unlocking is done with a label, a smartphone or by entering a PIN code using the vehicle's standard buttons.
The device can not be detected by known methods. "IGLA" does not transmit its presence in the car until the engine lock is activated. In addition, thanks to its compact dimensions, the device can be installed almost anywhere in the car.

Nature de la collaboration : L'agent ajoute sa marge sur mes prix
Proposition de territoire en exclusivité : Yes

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