Product or Service

trisodium phosphate

Profile: Manufacturer - Producer|Ref:PSL 31YH | Country: China | Export: No

country : China

White or colorless crystals, efflorescent in air, easily soluble in water but not in organic solution. Its water solution is alkaline. PH value of 1% solution is 12.1, relative density at 1.62, melting point is 73.4Ž
Used as a water softening agent, cleaning agent in electroplating, color fixer in fabric dyeing and flux in enamel ware manufacturing and so on.
Plastic-woven sack with polythene inner bag, net weight 25kg, 50kg or 1000kg. Store at a ventilated, dry place.
Poids: 1FCL
Dimensions: 20'
Packaging: 25,50kg


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